Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs
Email: wojciech.kucharski@zajezdnia.org
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1599-5659
A historian and archaeologist specialising in medieval and modern history, with a particular focus on religiosity, Church history, and diplomatic relations between communist Poland and the Holy See. He has authored several monographs, the most notable being Beatus Ceslaus natonie Polonus. Dzieje kultu błogosławionego Czesława, Kraków 2012 (Beatus Ceslaus natione Polonus. The Cult of Blessed Ceslaus); Komuniści i Watykan. Polityka komunistycznej Polski wobec Stolicy Apostolskiej 1945–1974, Warszawa 2019 (Communists and the Vatican. Communist Poland’s Policy towards the Holy See 1945-1974); and Listy Milenijne, Wrocław 2020 (Millennium Letters). He is the scientific editor of several collective works, including Region czy regiony? Ziemie Zachodnie i Północne 1945–1989, Wrocław 2022 (Region or Regions? Western and Northern Territories 1945–1989). He has also published on the 1965 Polish Bishops’ letter to German Bishops. Founder of the „Wrocławskiego Rocznika Historii Mówionej” (Wrocław Yearbook of Oral History) and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the „Śląski Kwartalnik Historyczny Sobótka” (Silesian Historical Quarterly Sobótka). Lecturer at the University of Wrocław. Member of the Polish Historical Society, the Scientific Council of the National Institute of Museums, and the Scientific Council of the Silesian Institute in Opole.
Recent publications:
- Wojciech Kucharski, The Position of the Holy See on the Stabilization of Polish Church Structures after World War II in the So-Called Recovered Territories (Former German Territories), 1945–72, „The Catholic Historical Review”, 110 (2024), no. 1, s. 72–101 (https://doi.org/10.1353/cat.2024.a921695).
- Wojciech Kucharski, Diplomatic Relations between Poland and the Holy See and the Vatican’s Ostpolitik from the Perspective of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, Primate of Poland 1948–1981, „Church History”, 2023(92), nr 4, s. 886–910 (https://doi:10.1017/S0009640723002767).
- Nysa – historia miasta. T. 1. Miasto biskupów wrocławskich, red. W. Kucharski, Nysa–Wrocław 2023.
Head of the Scientific Department
Email: katarzyna.matuszyk@zajezdnia.org
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4693-1460
A historian with a PhD in the humanities, specialising in medieval studies. A graduate of the Institute of History at the University of Wrocław, she is the Editor-in-Chief of the „Wrocławskiego Rocznika Historii Mówionej” (Wrocław Yearbook of Oral History) and Vice-President of the Polish Oral History Society. Her research interests focus on oral history methodology and the history of the Western and Northern Territories, particularly the social processes occurring in Lower Silesia in the early post-war years and everyday life during the Polish People’s Republic.
Recent publications:
- Rówieśnicy Niepodległej. Sto lat historii Polski z perspektywy najstarszych Polaków, red. K. Bock-Matuszyk, E. Maj, A. Paprot-Wieloposka, Wrocław 2020.
(Peers of Independence: A Hundred Years of Polish History from the Perspective of the Oldest Poles, edited by K. Bock-Matuszyk, E. Maj, A. Paprot-Wielopolska, Wrocław, 2020.) - Katarzyna Bock-Matuszyk, „Proszę mi opowiedzieć historię swojego życia”, czyli historia mówiona w praktyce, [w:] Historia w przestrzeni publicznej, red. J. Wojdon, Warszawa 2018, s. 210–220.
(Katarzyna Bock-Matuszyk, “Tell Me the Story of Your Life: Oral History in Practice”, in History in Public Space, edited by J. Wojdon, Warsaw, 2018, pp. 210–220.) - Katarzyna Bock-Matuszyk, Historia mówiona a badania regionalne, [w:] Bliska historia. O badaniach historii lokalnej i regionalnej, red. P. Wiszewski, Warszawa 2018.
(Katarzyna Bock-Matuszyk, “Oral History and Regional Research”, in Close History: Researching Local and Regional History, edited by P. Wiszewski, Warsaw, 2018.)
Senior Specialist
Scientific Department
Email: kamil.borecki@zajezdnia.org
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1502-0357
A historian with a PhD in the humanities and a Senior Specialist at the “Remembrance and Future” Centre. His research interests include the political and social history of the Second Polish Republic and the Polish People’s Republic. He focuses on the anti-communist opposition in Lower Silesia during the 1970s and 1980s.
Recent publications:
- Kamil Borecki, Wszystko dla innych. Mirosława Chamcówna (1919–2000), Wrocław 2023.
(Kamil Borecki, Everything for Others. Mirosława Chamcówna (1919–2000), Wrocław, 2023.) - Kamil Borecki, Obóz narodowy wobec wybuchu w Cytadeli Warszawskiej w 1923 roku i jego konsekwencji na podstawie relacji prasowych, „Niepodległość i Pamięć”, R. XXV (2018), nr 3 (63), s. 15–50.
(Kamil Borecki, “The National Camp’s Response to the 1923 Warsaw Citadel Explosion and Its Consequences Based on Press Reports”, Independence and Memory, vol. XXV (2018), no. 3 (63), pp. 15–50.) - Kamil Borecki, Reakcja obozu narodowego na obchody „czerwonego dnia” 1 sierpnia 1929 roku na podstawie prasy, „Komunizm: system – ludzie – dokumentacja”, nr 7 (2018), s. 169–182.
(Kamil Borecki, “The National Camp’s Reaction to the Celebrations of ‘Red Day’ on 1 August 1929 Based on Press Coverage”, Communism: System – People – Documentation, no. 7 (2018), pp. 169–182.)
Senior Specialist
Scientific Department
Email: ewa.maj@zajezdnia.org
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0015-4523
An Americanist with a PhD in the humanities, a graduate of history from the University of Wrocław. She specialises in Polish diplomacy during the communist period and conducts research using oral history. She is the author of Szczypiorniści Śląska. Historie opowiedziane, Wrocław 2023 (The Handball Players of Silesia: Told Stories). Senior Specialist in the Scientific Department at the “Remembrance and Future” Centre and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the „Wrocławski Rocznik Historii Mówionej” (Wrocław Yearbook of Oral History).
Recent publications:
- Ewa Maj, Szczypiorniści Śląska. Historie opowiedziane, Wrocław 2023. (Ewa Maj, The Handball Players of Silesia: Told Stories, Wrocław, 2023.)
Specialist / Guide
Audience Engagement Department
Email: marta.kopiniak@zajezdnia.org
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2907-5850
A historian and public historian, she graduated from the History in Public Space programme at the University of Wrocław and is a PhD candidate at the Doctoral School of History at the University of Wrocław. Her research focuses on public history, particularly the relationships between museums and their audiences, the role of cultural institutions in constructing collective memory, and the educational role of museums. Her doctoral dissertation examines the history of participatory practices in Polish museums in the 20th and 21st centuries. She is a member of the coordinating committee of the Students and Early Career Group within the International Federation for Public History.
Recent publications:
- Marta Kopiniak, Students as the Museums’ Public, [w:] Public in Public History, red. J. Wojdon, D. Wiśniewska, Routledge 2021, s. 57–70.
- Marta Kopiniak, Historia mówiona jako narzędzie partycypacji muzealnej, „Wrocławski Rocznik Historii Mówionej”, R. 11 (2021), s. 90–113.
- Marta Kopiniak, [rec.] C.E. Ariese, M. Wróblewska, Practising Decoloniality in Museums. A Guide with Global Examples, Amsterdam 2021, „Edukacja Kultura Społeczeństwo”, t. 2 (2021), s 137–49.
Regional Coordinator for Lower Silesia in the project “Ocalone Dziedzictwa. Regional Memory Chambers of the Western and Northern Territories”
Research Department
Email karol.machi@zajezdnia.org
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7133-2526
A graduate in history from the University of Wrocław and a PhD candidate at the Institute of History of the same university. His research interests include the history of motorization in Lower Silesia from the early 20th century to the post-war period, as well as modernist architecture and regionalism in Lower Silesia before 1945.
Recent publications:
- Karol Machi, Sport samochodowy w Kotlinie Jeleniogórskiej w latach 1918–1929, [w:] Jelena Góra i region Karkonoszy w XX wieku, red. I. Łaborewicz, M. Szajda, Wrocław 2019, s. 21–42.
(Karol Machi, Sports Car Racing in the Jelenia Góra Valley in 1918–1929, in: Jelenia Góra and the Karkonosze Region in the 20th Century, eds. I. Łaborewicz, M. Szajda, Wrocław 2019, pp. 21–42.) - Karol Machi, Krajobraz kulturowy wsi Nieszkowice (z ziemniakiem w tle) w świetle relacji Zofii Machi, [w:] „Jabłka zaś ziemne, a po teraźniejszemu kartofle”: znaczenie ziemniaka w Europie i na ziemiach polskich ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Dolnego Śląska w kontekście historii i teraźniejszości, red. J. Nowosielska-Sobel, G. Strauchold, R. Nowakowski, Wrocław 2018, s. 283–290.
(Karol Machi, The Cultural Landscape of the Village of Nieszkowice (with Potatoes in the Background) in the Light of Zofia Machi’s Account, in: “Earth Apples, Nowadays Known as Potatoes”: The Significance of the Potato in Europe and Poland, Particularly in Lower Silesia in Historical and Contemporary Contexts, eds. J. Nowosielska-Sobel, G. Strauchold, R. Nowakowski, Wrocław 2018, pp. 283–290.)
Dariusz Misiejuk, PhD
Head of the Historical Archive Department
Email: dariusz.misiejuk@zajezdnia.org
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7826-7897
A historian with a PhD in humanities, Dr Misiejuk’s research focuses on the history of the Church in Poland, diplomacy, the structure and activities of the security apparatus in the Polish People’s Republic, the post-war history and culture of the Głubczyce region, and the peasant movement in Poland and its diaspora after WWII.
Recent publications:
- Dariusz Misiejuk, Arcybiskup Bolesław Kominek wobec inicjatywy budowy pomnika papieża Jana XXIII we Wrocławiu, [w:] Kardynał Bolesław Kominek: biskup, dyplomata, wizjoner, red. W. Kucharski, R. Łatka, Wrocław 2020, s. 331–346.
(Dariusz Misiejuk, Archbishop Bolesław Kominek and the Initiative to Erect a Monument to Pope John XXIII in Wrocław, in: Cardinal Bolesław Kominek: Bishop, Diplomat, Visionary, eds. W. Kucharski, R. Łatka, Wrocław 2020, pp. 331–346.) - Dariusz Misiejuk, Akcja dekrucyfikacyjna w szkołach województwa opolskiego w 1958 r. Wstęp do zagadnienia, „Śląski Kwartalnik Historyczny Sobótka”, t. 74 (2019), z. 3, s. 27–44.
(Dariusz Misiejuk, The De-Crucifixion Campaign in Schools of the Opole Voivodeship in 1958: An Introduction to the Topic, Silesian Quarterly Historical Journal Sobótka, vol. 74 (2019), no. 3, pp. 27–44.) - Dariusz Misiejuk, Źródła do badań nad Soborem Watykańskim II z zasobu Archiwum Pamięci Narodowej, [w:] Archiwa, historia, pamięć: bilans 15 lat działalności archiwalnej Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, red. J. Bednarek, R. Leśkiewicz, P. Perzyna, Łódź–Warszawa 2018, s. 375–386.
(Dariusz Misiejuk, Sources for Research on the Second Vatican Council in the Archives of the Institute of National Remembrance, in: Archives, History, Memory: Fifteen Years of Archival Activity at the Institute of National Remembrance, eds. J. Bednarek, R. Leśkiewicz, P. Perzyna, Łódź–Warsaw 2018, pp. 375–386.)
Senior Specialist
Main Coordinator of the project “Ocalone Dziedzictwa. Regional Memory Chambers of the Western and Northern Territories”
Research Department
Email: marcin.musial@zajezdnia.org
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8661-9290
A historian and art historian from the University of Wrocław, Dr Musiał specializes in the organizational identity of Silesian Franciscan Reformers in the early modern period. His research interests lie in cultural history, particularly regarding historical Silesia.
Recent publications:
- Marcin Musiał, Znaczenie postaci św. Jana Kapistrana w procesie kształtowania tożsamości wrocławskiego konwentu franciszkanów reformatów, „Śląski Kwartalnik Historyczny Sobótka”, R. LXXV (2020) z. 3, s. 5–41.
(Marcin Musiał, The Role of St. John Capistran in Shaping the Identity of the Wrocław Convent of Franciscan Reformers, Silesian Quarterly Historical Journal Sobótka, vol. LXXV (2020), no. 3, pp. 5–41.) - Marcin Musiał, Typowa zagroda wiejska dla Dolnego Śląska – Koncepcje wrocławskiego Biura Projektowania Budownictwa Wiejskiego z 1957 r., [w:] Wieś na Ziemiach Zachodnich i Północnych po 1945 r. Ciągłość czy zmiana?, red. J. Kluba, A. Paprot-Wielopolska, M. Szajda, P. Zubowski, Wrocław 2020, s. 229–251.
(Marcin Musiał, A Typical Farmstead for Lower Silesia – Concepts by the Wrocław Bureau of Rural Building Design from 1957, in: Village in the Western and Northern Territories after 1945. Continuity or Change?, eds. J. Kluba, A. Paprot-Wielopolska, M. Szajda, P. Zubowski, Wrocław 2020, pp. 229–251.) - Marcin Musiał, Trwałość zbiorów społecznych w kontekście działalności izb pamięci, [w:] Strategia wzmacniania trwałości zbiorów społecznych, https://cas.org.pl/strategia-wzmacniania-trwalosci-zbiorow-spolecznych/
(Marcin Musiał, The Durability of Social Collections in the Context of the Activity of Memory Chambers, in: Strategy for Strengthening the Durability of Social Collections)
Historical Archive Department
Email: michał.surowiec@zajezdnia.org
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4858-6816
A historian, graduate, and doctoral candidate at the Institute of History of the University of Wrocław. A researcher of the post-war Legnica district, with a particular focus on migration movements occurring after World War II. Enthusiast of the theory of science, historical methodology, and the history of the historical region of Silesia.
Recent publications:
- Michał Surowiec, Dobry, zły i brzydki – postrzeganie szabru w 1945 r. na przykładzie Okręgu II „Ziem Odzyskanych” (Dolny Śląsk), [w:] Konflikt – stabilizacja – asymilacja? Konsekwencje migracji w życiu mieszkańców Dolnego Śląska po 1945 roku. Ujęcie komparatystyczne, red. M. Gibiec, R. Klementowski, W. Kucharski, M. Szajda, Wrocław 2022, s. 202–237.
(Michał Surowiec, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Perception of Looting in 1945 Based on the “Recovered Territories” (Lower Silesia), in: Conflict – Stabilization – Assimilation? Consequences of Migration in the Life of Inhabitants of Lower Silesia after 1945, eds. M. Gibiec, R. Klementowski, W. Kucharski, M. Szajda, Wrocław 2022, pp. 202–237.) - Michał Surowiec, Komendantury wojenne na Dolnym Śląsku w polskiej dokumentacji urzędowej w 1945 roku, [w:] TRIDUUM HISTORICUM – początek końca czy początek „nowego świata”?, red. A. Klarman, K. Frączkiewicz, Wrocław–Warszawa 2022, s. 376–396.
(Michał Surowiec, Military Command in Lower Silesia in Polish Official Documentation in 1945, in: Triduum Historicum: Beginning of the End or the Beginning of a “New World”?, eds. A. Klarman, K. Frączkiewicz, Wrocław–Warsaw 2022, pp. 376–396.) - Michał Surowiec, Osadnictwo polskie na Dolnym Śląsku na przykładzie podlegnickiej wsi Kunice, Wrocław 2017.
(Michał Surowiec, Polish Settlement in Lower Silesia: A Case Study of the Village of Kunice, Wrocław 2017.)
Senior Specialist
Research Department
Email: marek.szajda@zajezdnia.org
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1938-6762
A historian with degrees in history, ethnology, and cultural anthropology as part of the Interdisciplinary Individual Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Wrocław, as well as the Jewish Culture and Languages Program at the University of Wrocław. Studiował również w Krakowie, Tel Awiwie i Jerozolimie. Dr Szajda’s research interests focus on the history and culture of Jews, contemporary Polish history, the history of Silesia, regional studies, and oral history. Secretary of the editorial board of the „Wrocławski Rocznik Historii Mówionej” (Wrocław Yearbook of Oral History) and the „Rocznik Jeleniogórski” (Jeleniogórski Yearbook). Member of the Polish Oral History Association and the Karkonosze Scientific Society.
Recent publications:
- M. Szajda, Ludność żydowska na Dolnym Śląsku po II wojnie światowej (1945–1950) Kilka uwag dotyczących stanu badań i nowych perspektyw badawczych, „Przegląd Zachodni”, nr 4 (2023).
(Marek Szajda, The Jewish Population in Lower Silesia after World War II (1945–1950): Reflections on the State of Research and New Perspectives, Western Review, no. 4 (2023)) - M. Szajda, Między propagandą a turystyką. Dni Karkonoszy i 840-lecie Jeleniej Góry w 1948 roku, Wrocław 2023.
(Marek Szajda, Between Propaganda and Tourism: Karkonosze Days and the 840th Anniversary of Jelenia Góra in 1948, Wrocław 2023.) - M. Szajda, Ludność żydowska w Jeleniej Górze po 1945 roku, Wrocław 2021.
(Marek Szajda, The Jewish Population in Jelenia Góra after 1945, Wrocław 2021.)
Senior Specialist
Publishing Department
Email: jakub.wanot@zajezdnia.org
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8930-2934
An archaeologist and historian, PhD in cultural studies, assistant professor at the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Wrocław. Participant and deputy head of archaeological missions of the University of Wrocław in South America. His research mainly focuses on the cultural development of communities in southern Peru during the transition between the Middle Horizon and Late Intermediate Period. Author and co-author of monographs, scientific articles, and popular science publications related to the archaeology of the New World. Member of the Society for American Archaeology.
Recent publications:
- Józef Szykulski, Beata Miazga, Jakub Wanot, Rock painting within southern Peru in the context of physicochemical analysis of pigments, „Rock Art Research”, vol. 41(1) 2024, s. 5–27.
- Józef Szykulski, Jakub Wanot, The Tiwanaku Tradition within the Tambo Valley, Southern Coast of Peru: Interpretation of Burial Contexts from La Pampilla 1, „Latin American Antiquity”, vol. 32(3) 2021, s. 577–594.
- Józef Szykulski, Jakub Wanot, Karolina Krajewska, Łukasz Mikocik, Lewis Rocio Tejada, Ewa Bewziuk, Funerary contexts from pre-Columbian cemeteries within the Tambo River delta, Southern Coast of Peru, Corpus Antiquitatum Americanensium Polonia–Perú II, Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Kraków 2022.
Education Department
Email: ewa.wozniak@zajezdnia.org
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2068-4166
A historian, PhD in the humanities, and a graduate of Public History studies at the University of Wrocław. Her research interests focus on 20th-century history, particularly the period after 1989, as well as historical methodology (with an emphasis on the construction of historical narratives), post-colonial perspectives in historical studies, the connections between history and literature (historical novels), and museum education. Participant in the international research project ‘Making Visegrad History Digital,’ focused on digital education about the shared history of the Visegrad Group (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary) in the second half of the 20th century.
Recent publications:
- Ewa Woźniak-Wawrzyniak, The Role of Distinct Publics in Framing and Re-Framing the Images of Historical Figures. A Study on the Publics Remembering Edith Stein, [w:] Public in Public History, red. J. Wojdon, D. Wiśniewska, Routledge 2021, s.