Since its inception, the “Pamięć i Przyszłość” (Remembrance and Future) Centre has been actively involved in the development and dissemination of oral history methodology in research on the past and the documentation of the memories of older generations. Since 2011, it has supported academic discussions, promoted the latest research in oral history in Poland and abroad, and made critical editions of oral history sources available, through the publication of the academic journal Wrocławski Rocznik Historii Mówionej (available in print and digitally at
Specialists from the Centre’s Research Department conduct regular oral history workshops (at least twice a year), as well as lectures and presentations for cultural institution staff working on oral history projects, members of NGOs documenting (not only) local history, and students and PhD candidates using witness testimonies in their research. In collaboration with the Institute of History at the University of Wrocław, we also run an oral history course as part of the public history programme, and we support academic research through grants and scholarships for young researchers. Since 2021, we have also organised, together with the Polish Oral History Society, a competition for the best undergraduate and master’s theses using oral history.
The Centre also houses an academic library, continuously expanded with the latest publications, primarily focused on the history of the Western and Northern Territories as well as modern history. The library’s collection is available on-site to all interested parties (contact: